I established Caliper & Crayon so I could help technical teams tell their own story.

Stories are tools that allow us to identify ourselves, connect with our audiences, and transfer knowledge. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of  production and improvement, we often neglect to develop the narrative that underlies why we set out to achieve our goals in the first place. Being in touch with these fundamental stories can improve a team's moral,  demonstrate authenticity, and validate our humanity.

For examples on how I might be able to help you with your story, please check out my services.

My professional experience is summarized in my curriculum vitae. Below are some examples of how I've employed my technical and creative skills.


Calipers represent my technical side. These pages highlight my scientific & engineering work.

Origin Labs, Inc.
University of Illinois
Arizona State University


Crayons represent my creative side. These pages show off  work that's more artistic and playful.



Caliper & Crayon is a dynamic duo led by myself, Stephen James, and my supporting staff member.

SJ and Hubert